By: Abideen Muhammed A’Salam

THE perfect paradigm for the above heading can be seen in my dear country – Nigeria. It is hard for everyone to say and believe that we all contributed to the misfortune of Nigeria. The unspoken messages of Nigerians are: THIS IS NOT THE CHANGE WE VOTED FOR, BUHARI DECEIVED US but I wonder if there can be change without pain!

Tough times never last but tough people do. Nigerians forget this and her nick name –GIANT OF AFRICA. I can’t see them as a powerful nation. The giant are known to be tough, in tough times tough people rise! The real people never blame others for their misfortune. They don’t even give excuses when bad things befall them. They are driver of their life. Tough people accept their failure without fixing blame on anybody….fixing the problem is paramount to them.

This is really a tough time – yes – “economic recession” and everybody is pointing the finger of blame on one another. This is the time when one political party tends to count the blame of another party pretending to be perfect. The unscrupulous big wings see it as an opportunity to blame one another. It is a time when citizens never see any good coming from the government. It is an era where “crook marketers” will inflate price of goods even when need be not. Lamenting will not solve the problem.

Nobody is free from this as we are all corrupted. The meaning of corruption should not be blindly pinned to embezzlement of public funds. Misuses of power, time, resources, stealing, injustice, discirmation are all domain of corruption. Now bring out the person that is totally free from corruption not even my president. The level of corruption is just different!

I wonder how a giant could cry loud in the presence of small animals. We are to set the pace for others to follow but the question is: what kind of foundation our we laying down?
Dr Robert Schuller said it: The uprightness of tough people can come only through “possibility thinking” that is, positive thinking.
Power of positive thinking is lost in the midst of Nigerians. It shows in their action and reaction. They never believe in that the future of Nigeria is bright, those that believe are corrupted since they are very few. What do you expect from a poor –hopeless man?

My dear country needs a hope reviver to restore the power of positive thinking in her people.
These negatives attitudes lead us to where we are – fixing the blame rather than fixing the problem. We just need to wake up from our slumber.
The major question that baffles me now is that who will fix the problem for us when nobody is ready to reason? It is crystal clear; fixing the problem is everybody’s work. Twilight and darkness cannot coexist. Let all us drop our ego and sacrifice for Nigerian.

Let the east forget religious sentiment, racism. Let my west people stop feeling superior .let the west stop discrimination. It is high time we drop our individual differences and work as a single unit – Radical. It is not for anything BUT for the betterment of Nigeria as a whole.

Let me quickly paint a scenario to portray my view that fixing the blame will not lead us to anywhere but vanity upon vanity: as a student living in an hostel, on that fateful date, your room mate slept without closing the door and  you woke up to discover that your phone is gone and gone forever. I am very sure your next reaction would be to blame but can the blame return the phone?

Because our foundation has deficiency, it is very awkward for others to help us. If the foundation is destroyed, what can the righteous do? If the world gathers to help Nigeria and we are not ready to help us. What can they do?
Since we have identified our errors, it is paramount to find a way out. Say this aloud: Everybody need to be blamed for the present situation we are. We all contributed to the problem and we are all going to solve it.

Abideen Muhammed A’Salam wrote via

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